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  • Writer's pictureSMB HR

Redundancy Tips

We recently ran a series of redundancy tips on our Instagram platform, to help businesses and employees navigate through these difficult times.

It seems as though our media has been littered with news of redundancies and job losses recently. It is undoubtedly a worrying time for many, but you are not alone.

Our aim is to demystify the redundancy process; what is fair, what isn't fair, pay, notice, time off and more. Making both the employer and their employees feel more in control and prepared.

All of the areas covered on in our series of Instagram tips will be added to our blog page for further help and guidance. So stay tuned and feel free to send us your question or let us know if there is an area of the redundancy process you would like us to cover.

Keep up to date with our latest HR tips and advice. Follow us on Instagram at:

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